
Below are the requirements for membership and the preamble to our constitution.

To be admitted to membership, a man must be of Irish birth or of Irish descent, no matter how many generations back, through either parent, be a practicing Catholic, and at least sixteen years of age.


It is hereby declared and decreed that the purpose of this organization, the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America, Inc. is:

  1. To promote Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
  2. To foster and sustain loyalty to country and community.
  3. To aid and advance by all legitimate means the aspiration and endeavors of the Irish people for complete and absolute independence, promoting peace (with justice) and unity for all Ireland.
  4. To foster the ideals and perpetuate the history and traditions of the Irish people.
  5. To promote Irish culture.
  6. To encourage civic participation.
  7. To encourage an equitable U.S. immigration law for Ireland, and to cooperate with all groups for a fair American Immigration policy.
  8. To accept and support, without prejudice, the concept of free expression of religious practice for the people of the world.

If you would like to find out more about the Hibernians, download our membership form, or please contact:
Patrick Shea
Membership Chairman

— or fill out the form below and click on the submit button —

There is a $40 application fee. Please send your check to:

Financial Secretary
Tim McDonnell
1709 Windingridge Drive
Henrico,VA 23238

Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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