President’s Message June 2020:
As we head into our third month of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we are seeing many hopeful signs of a return to normalcy. Hibernians across the country have offered consistent prayers for recovery of individuals affected by COVID-19, our Communities, our Nation and indeed Globally. We pray again fervently for the safe passing of this Virus that has brought with it so much change in our lives.
As announced previously, our meeting location the Lake House at Saint Michael’s remains closed to social gatherings so we will hold our 3rd virtual Business Meeting on June 9, 2020 at 7 pm via Zoom. We will hold the Division Officers Meeting from 6:15-6:45 on the 9th just prior to the regular Business Meeting. The Officers will take a break for a few minutes to allow rest of the Division to “Zoom” into the regular Business Meeting at 7 pm.
Perhaps the typical break in our calendar from regular Business Meetings over the months of July and August will come at a good time. We are hopeful and prayerful that the downward trend of the Virus will continue over the Summer and by the time our September meeting is planned will allow for an in-person gathering of the Dooley Division at the Saint Michael’s Lake House.
There are a few updates I wanted to share that we can discuss further at our meeting:
- We received notification last week the Highland Games and Celtic Festival in October are holding off on accepting new registrations, i.e., there is a possibility the Games will be canceled. With that notice and the cancellation of the Saint Elizabeth jazz festival in early August, the likelihood of rescheduling the Irish Festival is further diminished.
- We remain committed to drawing a winner for our Raffle so, as we’ve discussed in various contingencies, should move ahead in planning the Drawing with as much visibility as possible, hopefully in a group gathering at a date later this month or in July.
- The National AOH convention in July has been moved to a virtual format. One positive outcome of this is that those who have interest in attending but were not able to travel may now be able to attend. I will look into registration for the virtual convention if anyone is interested.
- The Retention Committee has made an effort to reach out to 40+ brothers who have not yet paid dues. With that effort approximately 1/3 have paid and renewed their Brotherhood. However, that still leaves a significant number unpaid including more than 20 who paid dues directly or via the Raffle in 2019. Letters of dues notification were mailed four weeks ago as well as phone calls made by myself, Bill Casey, Dan Caffrey and Frank Kelly. For those Brothers who have not paid dues by either method, If for any reason dues or ticket payments cannot be made presently, please reach out to me, John Costello, Bill, Dan, Frank or any Dooley Division Brother and let us know, so we can account for that, plan for and extend your brotherhood, if desired. In any event, please contact someone in the Division and let them know you would like to continue our Brotherhood, and we will work together through any circumstance that may be present.
- Finally, I want to thank Fr. Jim for suggesting the idea of a joint Dooley Division, Mary Ryan Division and Kelly Division AOH Mass. We all have experienced the beauty of our Mass from massive cathedrals to small parish churches. I didn’t expect I would get that same feeling sitting on my back porch with my wife, our daughters and our dog through a streaming Mass but I certainly did. I think it demonstrates that Faith has no boundaries or limitations. Modern streaming technology allows us to be physically distant while interacting and communicating visually. So, I believe that makes Our Faith the original streaming service.
I look forward to seeing and hearing from as many as can join us on Tuesday evening. Stay safe and healthy. See you virtually Tuesday evening.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Mike Canning
President, Major James Dooley Division
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Richmond, Virginia