I am humbled by your vote to elect me as Dooley Division President for 2021. I am excited and look forward to a great Hibernian year. The challenges of conducting ourselves with the restraints imposed the pandemic remain, yet as we proved in 2020, we can and will continue our traditions, programs, and mission.
Please join me in offering a heartful thanks to immediate past Division President Mike Canning for leading us through unprecedented times due to the pandemic. No doubt Mike did not plan for shutdown for in person events, including our all-important raffle fundraiser. Yet through Mike’s leadership we prevailed, held the raffle, and raised money for our charitable causes.
The path we will follow in 2021 remains unchanged from previous years. A refresher in our Organization’s Purpose helps me focus and I share these words directly from the Preamble to the AOH National Constitution with you:
- To promote Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
- To foster and sustain loyalty to country and community.
- To aid and advance by all legitimate means the aspirations and endeavors of the Irish people for complete and absolute independence, promoting peace (with justice) and unity for all Ireland.
- To foster the ideals and perpetuate the history and traditions of the Irish people.
- To promote Irish culture.
- To encourage civic participation.
- To encourage an equitable U.S. Immigration law for Ireland, and to cooperate with all groups for a fair American Immigration Policy.
- To accept and support, without prejudice, the concept of free expression of religious practices for the people of the world.
- To protect and defend all life born and unborn.
- The Division has the talent and treasure to lead in all nine points. I humbly ask for your support as we embark on a new Hibernian year.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Larry Keefe President
Major James Dooley Division
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Richmond, VA