Brothers All:
I am reminded of what was going on last February. The Division was gearing up for the Church Hill Irish Festival and preparing to help the LAOH with barkeep duties at their Annual Gala.
…. And then by early March we learned the pandemic was in our neighborhood and the Festival, Gala and all public gatherings were cancelled.
Which brings me too today. We will have our “Annual Win a Trip to Ireland” Raffle, pandemic version. Brothers will be able to buy tickets and pay their dues as always. Each Brother will be mailed his tickets soon. The drawing for the $5,000 cash prize will be July 4, 2021.
What will be new is buying raffle tickets online. We will promote this method for contactless purchase of a ticket at our Parishes and other partners. Ticket prices will be $10 per ticket; $45 for five tickets and $90 for ten tickets.
Your Division needs you to volunteer to help coordinate the selling promotions at the Parishes and partners. Traditional partners are the LAOH, AOH St. Patrick’s Division, and some Parishes. With your help we can promote contact purchase at more Parishes, our favorite Pubs, and your social media presence. More details will be presented at out February 9th Business Meeting.
There will be a AOH State Convention this summer. I had a conversation with Brian Kiernan, AOH State Vice President. Brian needs volunteers to plan and execute the Bi-Annual AOH State Convention which the AOH Dooley Division and the LAOH Mary Ryan Division will host. Brian has chaired the State Convention in the past and has a clear understanding of what needs to be done by whom, where, and when. Brian will solicit your help at the February 9th Business Meeting.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,