Brothers All:
We meet in person on Tuesday, September 14 at 7 pm at the St. Michaels Lake House main hall. Much has happened since out last in person meeting.
We held our 2021 “Trip to Ireland” on July 4th at Council’s 395 Annual Fourth of July picnic. A special thank-you to council 395 allowing us to do so.
The State Convention held at the Innsbrook Hilton Garden Inn was a huge success and much fun! Our own Brother Brian Kieran was elected President of the AOH Virginia State Board and Brother Vince Eikmeier was elected to the position of Secretary of the AOH Virginia State Board.
Dr. Bayliss gave a talk at the Convention Ice Breaker on who our Division namesake is, Major James H. Dooley, and what he and his wife did for the betterment of Richmond. We all know Maymont was given to the city of Richmond by the Dooley’s.
But did you know in 1920 the Dooley’s founded the “Dooley Hospital for Contagious Deceases”, which opened with a new mission as at the request of MCV to treat children crippled by the polio epidemic? And in his will, Major Dooley left $3 million dollars to the Sisters of Charity to construct an orphanage and school. And when Sallie Dooley’s will was read in 1923, it was revealed she was the “wealthy donor” of $500,000 to build a Crippled Children’s Hospital.
One hundred years ago the Dooley’s gave us Maymont (their home and estate including possessions), and two important enterprises on Brook Road for the people of Richmond: Saint Joseph’s Villa and the Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Yes, the Dooley’s endowed both!
In this edition of the “Dispatch”, I ask all Brothers to read and respond to the request to write a letter to your congressman. The issue is the United Kingdom proposal to create a special statute of limitations for criminal acts committed during “the Troubles”, including murder. The proposal, made by British Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis, contravenes Britain’s pledged commitments under international treaty under the 1998 Good Friday, 2014 Stormont House Agreement and the 2020” New Decade, New Approach” agreement. At the core the UK wants it’s military and police organizations held unaccountable for the atrocities they committed against the Irish People.
I regret to inform you the 2021 Highland Games, Celtic Festival has been cancelled. This puts a big dent into our plans to recruit new Brothers and kick-off off 2022 “Trip to Ireland” raffle. More to come as plans are developed to recruit and sell raffle tickets.
See “all-you-all” on Tuesday.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,