President’s Message June 2022


We are coming into our Summer break, but there is a lot going on. We have the monthly meeting and baseball game this month, The National AOH meeting and  Independence (from the tyranny of the British) Day next month and Our Lady of Knock in August, etc. The social events are a great way to promote two of our guiding principles – Friendship and Unity. I hope we have great turnouts for the events.

After 2 years of Covid, the raffle was fantastically successful. That was due to the efforts of many brothers who participated, plus some extraordinary efforts by a few key members who drove the results over the top. Thanks to all.

That brings up the budget. Several members have commented about our increasing balances, with thoughts on whether there should be changes. We certainly want to maintain a “rainy day” fund, so when events such as Covid arise, we can weather the storm. However, due to the interest demonstrated, the Finance Committee will take a look and present a revised budget if the decision is made to do so. We used old budgets when constructing this year’s, so it may make sense to take a fresh look. The budget for the Annual Meeting is $250, which is probably at least a decade old. We are already over budget in maintenance areas such as new blue books for officers, pins and badges for members, etc. We are approaching higher than expected expenses in other areas such as charity. For example, recently we have not supported charities sponsored by National. In any event, a thorough review will be conducted and a report will be made to membership.

I look forward to a well-attended June meeting.

In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,

Tom Murphy


Oh hi there 👋
It’s nice to meet you.

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