The Dooley Division was formed forty-four years ago and has grown to become the largest division in the state of Virginia. I’m proud to lead this organization in the upcoming year. Big thanks go out to Tom Murphy who served as President for the second time. Tom was a member during the early days of the division. His leadership contributed greatly to a successful 2022. I’d also like to thank John Costello who served for many years as our financial secretary. This is a key role and John’s attention to detail was exceptional. He’s promised to stick around to make the hand off to Tim McDonnell a smooth one.
Our first business meeting on the year will be held at St. Michael’s Lake House on January 10th. Our annual raffle sale and recruiting effort kicks off the weekend of January 14th/15th at St. Bridget’s. We will also be at St. Michael’s the weekend of January 29th/30th. On-line raffle tickets will also be available on our website (aohrichmond.org).
I had the opportunity to attend the AOH National Convention last summer in Pittsburgh. One thing really stood out to me. The AOH has become THE Voice of the Irish American community. This organization is doing great work in areas such as political action, charitable works, and immigration. Unfortunately, most young men in this country don’t know who we are. Like most fraternal organizations, the AOH does not have enough young members. I ask each division member to invite at least one Irish Catholic man to join the AOH this year. We need to increase our social media presence to reach these young men. If you are savvy in this area and would like to help, please reach out.
In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,
Mike Smith