Brothers All:
Over the Thanksgiving weekend I had a chance to slow down and reflect on this year. You guys should be proud of what you have accomplished in 2023. Among the highlights:
- Stepped up our charitable giving to local parishes and charities
- Supported the National Freedom For All Ireland Fund
- Hosted the State AOH Fall Meeting
- Held successful raffle sale
- Participated in Masses for St. Patrick’s Day and Our Lady of Knock
- Attended the State AOH convention in Old Town Alexandria
- Marched in the Church Hill Irish Festival and 4th of July Parade in Ashland
- Golf trip to Myrtle Beach, Family Picnic, Squirrels Baseball Games, and Christmas Party
- Irish History and Cultural Lessons presented by Brian Hegarty
- Attended talks by Dr Ruan O’Donnell, University of Limerick, and Dr. Bayliss, from the Maymount Foundation.
This month kicks off with our annual Christmas Party. The Donneybrooks will be performing Irish and Christmas music. On December 12th the Division will install the officers for 2024. Families are invited to attend.
I ‘ll leave you with this Irish Christmas Blessing:
May peace and plenty be the first
To lift the latch at your door
And happiness be guided to your home
By the candle of Christmas.
God’s blessings and peace be yours throughout
This New Year.
In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,