Dear Brothers,
It’s hard to believe that we’ll be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in a little more than 1 month. Because of weather warnings we were forced to cancel our January meeting. If we have to cancel a meeting for whatever reason we can’t make it up because St. Michael’s doesn’t have any meeting room availability. We are fortunate to be able to meet at St. Michael’s and have most of our family events here (Family Picnic and Christmas Party). Thanks to Ed Rossmoore and others for their assistance it this.
Our next meeting is February 13, 2024 at 7 pm at St. Michael’s. We’ll be voting on the 2024 Dooley Budget and discussing our March activities.
I attended the State Quarterly meeting recently. After the meeting they offered the Tower/Major Degree. Congrats to our own Dave Woychik for getting his Degree. I encourage those who haven’t done so to get their Tower/Major Degree.
Right now, we are at Churches selling our raffle tickets and recruiting after Masses. We had a successful weekend already at St. Bridget’s. St. Michael’s is February 10-11 and St. Mary’s is February 24-25. Also, on February 18 we’ll be at St. Elizabeth’s for their 10 am Mass and serve food after Mass. Please plan to help where you can. Please sign-up on our website at www.aohrichmond.org .
The Church Hill Irish Festival will be on March 16-17, 2024 this year. It’s usually the weekend after St. Patrick’s Day, but this year that weekend is Palm Sunday so the Festival has to be on the same weekend as St. Patrick’s Day. We’ll be having our Hibernian Mass during the Festival on Sunday, March 17, 2024 at St. Patrick’s Church at 8 am, we’ll be serving breakfast afterwards and the Parade will be at 10 am on Sunday, not Saturday this year. They want the Parade to be on St. Patrick’s Day.
Please see elsewhere in this Newsletter for upcoming events.
Looking forward to our meetings and other activities mentioned above that we have scheduled for February and March. Hope to see you there.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Big Dan Caffrey