Dear Brothers,
I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of summer.
We had 31 of us at our June 8 Squirrel Game Outing. At times in the past we’ve had as many as 50 attend. Seems a few folks missed it this year. Thanks to Tim for organizing and delivering tickets to each person, we had a great time. It was a nice evening for a baseball game with great friends.
A reminder to try and recruit new AOH members (Irish Catholic men). Invite them to attend our meeting (they can be installed at the meeting), or invite them to attend one of our events, or invite them to attend a Squirrels game or golf (see below), or the Moose Lodge on a Friday night for Steak Night (ask me).
See below for our July 4th Events:
Ashland July Fourth Parade & Celebration — Hanover Arts & Activities Center
July 4th Parade
March as the AOH
meet up at 10:30 am at Henry Clay Elementary School
Independence Day Picnic – July 4, 2024
K of C Council 395, the Richmond Assembly and the Ancient Order of Hibernians will co-host a Fourth of July picnic again this year.
Thursday, July 4 12:00 Noon – Doors Open 12:20 PM – Lunch is served in the Fr. Adrian Hall
$10.00 per person / $30.00 Family maximum
Beer is $3.00 a glass / Wine is $4.00 a glass (soft drinks are provided).
The Columbian Center – 2324 Pump Road Richmond VA 23233
The menu is classic picnic food: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Italian Sausage, Brats, Garden Salad, Cold Salads, and Desserts.
This is a picnic and therefore the dress code is casual: jeans and shorts are preferred and encouraged.
Please RSVP at your earliest opportunity! Also, we need helpers to make this event a success. Sign up to attend and/or to volunteer at:
I will have some AOH Bears (small stuffed bears) for sale at our meetings. $20 per bear. They’ll make nice gifts to children. We sold some bears at our last meeting and I have some left to sell at our June meeting. This is a fundraiser for the AOH State Board to recoup expenses from the last AOH State Convention.
Reminder to bring cash to each meeting for our 50/50 raffle (50% to our Vocations Fund) and donations to the Pregnancy Resource Center.
Hope you can attend our June meeting before our summer break. Remember, we don’t meet in July and August.
The Flying Squirrels season has kicked off. I’m enjoying our Silver Squirrels Group at every Tuesday home game with a number (about 15) of us that attend. Let us know if you’d like to join us. At times we have extra tickets, or you can buy a ticket and sit with us – there are normally empty seats around us.
I’m also enjoying golfing with our AOH Group. We have up to 12 of us on average play 9 holes every Thursday afternoon (4:40 pm) at Sycamore and every Sunday afternoon (2 pm) at Hanover Golf Club. Please let me know if you’d like to join us.
Please look at our Calendar of Events for the year (see in the newsletter) and see where you might be able to attend and/or volunteer.
See below for our upcoming events, please plan to attend if you can:
August 3, 2024, Saturday, from 12 to 7 pm – St. Elizabeth’s Jazz Festival, 2712 2nd Ave, Richmond, VA 23222. Work the Beer Tent.
August 7-11, 2024, Fri. thru Sun.- AOH National Convention in Orlando, FL. Attending – Brian Kiernan, Vince Eikmeier, Mike Valacer, Matt Costello and Dan Caffrey. Register at AOH – LAOH Convention 2024 Orlando (orlandoirish2024.com);
(TBC) August 25, 2024, Sunday – Our Lady of Knock (8/21/1879) Mass at 11 am at St. Michael’s Church. Party afterward (brunch at ROT or late afternoon at someone’s house?), location TBD.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Big Dan Caffrey
Other Events for Newsletter:
(TBC) September 17, 2024, Tuesday at Time TBD – Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day, location TBD.
October 6, 2024, Sunday– Commemorate Commodore Barry Day (9/13/1803- date of death) at 1 pm at St. Michael Catholic Church. Family Picnic (Chair Mike Muldowney).
(TBD) Oct 26-27, 2024 or November 2-3, 2024 – Richmond Highland Games at Dorey Park; www.richmondhighlandgames.com Selling of 2025 Raffle Tickets and Recruiting at Double Booth.
December 10, 2024, Tuesday at 7 pm – AOH Meeting/Officer Installation for 2025 Officers by a State AOH Officer at St. Michael’s Church (family event).
December 15, 2024, Sunday at 1 pm at St. Michael’s Catholic Church – Family Christmas Party. (Chair Mike Muldowney).