Brother Hibernians,
The AOH Cunningham Division Officers Group would like to request your assistance in supporting a Pro-Life initiative at the at the State of Virginia legislative level. Our representatives in Richmond have recently introduced two bills (H.J.1 and S.J.1) titled Fundamental Right to Reproductive Freedom that would amend the Virginia State Constitution. This amendment if passed would:
-Allow abortion on demand for any reasons until the moment of birth
-Remove the ban on Partial-Birth Abortions
-Let non-Doctors perform abortions or distribute abortion chemicals
-Prevent abortionists from facing legitimate legal action for breaking laws or harming women
-Force pro-life health care providers to participate in abortions or lose their jobs and/or close their practices
-Let minors get abortions without the knowledge or input from their parents
This would also prevent the passage of any and all new pro-life laws that provide any protection to unborn babies.
To date there have been three actions in both the State House and Senate that are moving this forward. The timeline for the Amendment becoming part of the Virginia Constitution will be rapid. If approved, Governor Younkin CANNOT veto a Virginia Constitutional Amendment.
The Virginia Society for Human Life (VSHL) is the only state-wide single issue pro-life organization in Virginia. They are leading the fight against this legislation with a two pronged effort. Prong one is education the general public on how extreme this Amendment is and Prong two is organizing Pro-lifers to actively oppose and fight this Amendment.
We have three requests that we’d prayerfully like you to consider.
1) Contact your respective Representative and Senator and urge them to NOT support this amendment. Click on the “take action” tab in the Stop the Abortion until Birth Amendment section in the link below for sample correspondence and to forward via email.
Contact Your Elected Officials Today! – Virginia Society for Human Life (vshl.org)
2) Sign the Petition to the General Assembly to stop the Abortion Until Birth Amendment to the Virginia Constitution below.
3) Make a financial contribution to the VSHL to help assist in their efforts. Their website below has information on how to donate as well as on VSHL’s activities.
Home – Virginia Society for Human Life (vshl.org) The AOH Cunningham Division approved a financial contribution at our last monthly meeting and we are asking all members to consider making additional contributions.
We’d also suggest that you share these requests with your family members and pro-life friends to the greatest extent possible.
We need your help building public opposition to and fighting this Amendment aggressively NOW!
Thank you,
Gerard Oswald
AOH Cunningham Division Vice-President