Dear Brothers,
Note: We will have a guest speaker, Ann Campbell, Executive Director of the East End Pregnancy Center will give a short presentation at our March 11th meeting starting at 6:45 PM. Please arrive around 6:30 so we can show our continued strong support for the work done by her group.
It is Irish American Heritage Month and we should be loud and proud of our heritage, culture, and the great things we do in our community. We have a busy month so plan on being visible. LAOH Irish Gala on the 8th – the support us and we support them. The Church Hill Irish Festival on the 15th and 16th followed by a St. Patrick’s Day mass at 9:00 AM on Monday, March 17, 2025 at St. Patrick’s Church. After Mass there will be breakfast in the church hall followed by side trips by AOH Brothers to spread the good news of St. Patrick.
Friendship and Unity – Reach out to our brothers. There are many brothers who would like more interaction and may not be able to get out and about as they once could. If you think or a brother drop them and email, text, or call them to check in on them and enjoy their company.
Christian Charity – Give of yourself to others. The Church Hill Irish Festival will include the selection of the winning raffle ticket on the 16th at 5:00 PM. Try to sell your remaining tickets and create more funds for us to spread charity to organizations that share our Catholic beliefs.
If you have unsold tickets, please bring them to the March 11, 2025 meeting so we can have all available tickets to sell at the Church Hill Irish Festival.
In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,
Mike Valacer