Author: AUEagle
President’s Message April 2020
President’s Message April 2020: One month ago I was preparing this message for the Dooley Dispatch looking ahead eagerly to a calendar full of activities…
April Virtual Meeting Details
April’s Business meeting will be held on Tuesday April 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm on Zoom. Here are the details for joing the virtual meeting….
Friends of Rare Olde Times – Support the Staff
Friends of ROT – Support the Staff Project Since 1994, Rare Olde Times has been a gathering place for people to enjoy Irish music, Irish…
A little Coronavirus Irish Humor from Jim Whelen
Had a funny one forwarded to me recently-Irish Blessing for the Corona Virus Crisis: “May the road rise up to meet you. But please do…
2020 Irish Festival Cancelled
The 2020 Irish Festival was cancelled this year due to the CHINESE Coronavirus, but several members of the Dooley Division & Mary Ryan Division gathered…
2020 St. Patrick Day
The Dooley Division and LAOH Mary Ryan Division had a small contigency present at Rosie Connolly’s for St. Patrick’s Day. The members practiced “Safe Social…
St. Patrick Day Thread
What are we doing for St. Patrick’s Day? Add your suggestions & comments below.
LAOH Mary Ryan Gala Postponed
It is with regret, that the Gala has been postponed until the Fall due to the Coronavirus scare. Currently, the consideration is being given to…
Irish Festival / Raffle Winner Drawing Postponed
Update 06/15/2020 – The drawing is tentatively scheduled for Saturday June 27, 2020 at Rare Old Times at approximately 5:30 pm. You do not need…