Emmet Cahill Christmas in Ireland

Celebrate the magic of Christmas this year with Ireland’s most exciting young tenor, Emmet Cahill.  Having recently sold out New York’s Carnegie Hall, Emmet has…

Dooley Division Veterans

Submitted by John Costello

AOH National News

Veteran update     From the desk of Jim Green     Brothers, much of the following message was pulled from an article authored by…

Dan Caffrey 60th Birthday

Several members from the Dooley Division as well as members from St. Mary’s Knights and well wishing party goers were in attendance to help Dan…

2019 Highland Celtic Games

The Dooley Division kicked off the 2019-2020 Raffle ticket sales at the Highland Games October 26 – 27, 2019 at the RIR Raceway grounds. It…

Msgr. Kelly Division to Present Irish History Lecture

The Kelly Division in Powhatan will be presenting their annual Irish History Lecture.

Jack Cassells Funeral

The Dooley Division bid farewell to Founding Member and beloved brother Jack Cassells on Saturday October 19, 2019. A Funeral Mass was held at St….

A Little Bit of Heaven

A Little Bit of Heaven ‘Tis a dear old land of leprechauns and of wond’rous wishing wellsAnd nowhere else on God’s green earth have they…

Right-To-Life October 2019

Right To Life Report 10/08/2019 I recently came home to a political flyer in my mailbox. Two candidates for office at the state level were…

2019 John Barry/40th Anniversary Picnic

The Dooley Division had a busy weekend October 6, 2019 commemorating John Barry Day and celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Dooley Division. The day…