March for Life – 2024

The National March For Life is being held on January 19th in DC. If you haven’t attended this event in the past, I’d highly recommend…

Christmas Astrophotography photos for December

Here’s a handful of Deep Sky Objects (DSO) visible from the Northern Hemisphere in the month of December. These were taken with a SVBony SV503…

President’s Message – December 2023

Brothers All: Over the Thanksgiving weekend I had a chance to slow down and reflect on this year.  You guys should be proud of what…

President’s Message – November 2023

It’s hard to believe that we are getting ready for our last business meeting of the year on November 14th. We will be electing our…

President’s Message – October 2023

President’s Message October 2023 Brothers, At our next business meeting on Oct 10th  the Nomination Committee, chaired by Past President Matt Costello, will put forth…

Ruan O’Donnell to speak in Richmond Sept. 17

New plans for 1/2-way to St. Patrick’s Day. The AOH/LAOH & Irish Cultural Society of Virginia have arranged to have Ruan O’Donnell give a presentation…

President’s Message – September 2023

The Dooley Division was active throughout the summer despite taking a break from our monthly business meetings. The state AOH convention was held in late…

President’s Message – June 2023

President’s Message June 2023 Dia dhuit(Hello) my Brothers! During our May business meeting we conducted our first Shamrock Degree in several years. The Shamrock Degree…

President’s Message – May 2023

President’s MessageMay 2023April was a busy month for our division. Over two hundred St. Elizabeth parishioners attended a breakfast we hosted after Mass recently. There…

Dooley Duffers in NC 2023

The Dooley Duffers made their annual pilgrimage to North Carolina for their extended weekend of golf. Below are a handful of pictures from the adventure.