The days have started to get cooler and nightfall seems to be coming a little bit earlier each evening. The Dooley Division has carried on our motto and tradition of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity despite the challenges this year has brought to our Division and everyone of us. In an effort to restore some normalcy to our routine, I am planning our first meeting since March with some in-person attendance while concurrently streaming the meeting via Zoom for most of the Division to attend remotely. For those attending virtually you can connect to the meeting using this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8194077416 at 7 pm on November 10th. I will also hold an Officer’s meeting, as we have done recently prior to the Business meeting from 6:15-6:45 pm, using the same link.
We have several important items to cover during the meeting including distribution of Charitable contributions to the parishes, final discussion of Retention and Membership for the Division and Nomination of Division Officers for 2021.
After discussion amongst the Brothers at our October meeting and a number of other one-on-one conversations I called a meeting of the Finance Committee and Raffle Chair Jim Woods on October 27th to finalize contributions to the parishes in support of Catholic Education and Faith Formation. $3,500 were budgeted for this purpose and will be disbursed as follows:
St. Mary’s $1,000
St. Michael’s $1,000
St. Bridget’s $ 750
St. Patrick’s $ 500
St. Benedict’s $ 250
While we may not be able to do a presentation at a Mass at each of the parishes, I would likely plan some kind of in-person presentation with each Pastor in the next few weeks and could use assistance scheduling that. Ideally have a small group of Dooley Division Brothers make the presentation rather than just putting the check in the mail.
We will also cover the Membership and Retention reports during the Financial Secretary’s report and make motions accordingly during our New business discussion. Finally, the Nominating Committee will present the slate of 2021 Officers for a vote by the Division.
The Dooley Division remains strong in every sense and each of these topics will leave the Division on good standing though the end of 2020 and into 2021. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in person or virtually on Tuesday evening.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Mike Canning
Major James Dooley Division
Ancient Order of Hibernians
Richmond, VA