Brothers All:
Fall has arrived! In years past we would be planning our presence at the Highland Games in late October but alas, the Games have been cancelled.
With no Games, what do we do to recruit new Brothers? Answer “Ask One, Bring One”. I am issuing a challenge to each Brother to ask someone you know to be a guest at our Christmas Party in December.
Again, in this edition of the “Dispatch”, I ask all Brothers to read and respond to the request to write a letter to your congressman. The issue is the United Kingdom proposal to create a special statute of limitations for criminal acts committed during “the Troubles”, including murder.https://aohrichmond.org/2021/10/boyle-fizpatrick-legacy-killing-sign-on-letter/
The proposal, made by British Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis, contravenes Britain’s pledged commitments under international treaty under the 1998 Good Friday, 2014 Stormont House Agreement and the 2020 New Decade, New Approach agreement. At the core the UK wants it’s military and police organizations held unaccountable for the atrocities they committed against the Irish People.
See “all-you-all” on Tuesday.
In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,