Hibernian Brothers: I received the email advising me of the passing of Paul “Paulie” McFadden. I felt Paulie merited a response. I was active in the Dooley Division when Paul joined. He was a ball of energy. He was a dedicated Catholic, and a proud Irishman. He had all sorts of ideas and theories about how the Division could grow and improve. And he never suggested something he didn’t believe in, or that he wouldn’t support in voice and in action. And back in the days before the raffle, which he started, when Division funds were low, Paul would often match the contributions made by the Division. He was loud and aggressive in a positive way. And the efforts he put in resulted in him being selected as Gael of the Year many times. Before many of you were members, and our meetings consisted of only 8 – 15 members, Paul always had something(s) to add. While not everyone agreed with some of his suggestions, everyone knew they came from the heart with good intentions. I, myself, often played counterpoint, and when we agreed, Paul used to say, “If Murphy and I agree, you have to pass it”. And that was said with both humor and warmth. There was no animosity in Paul. Paul’s service to his Hibernian Brotherhood went far beyond the business of the AOH. If you were ever sick or in pain, Paul would do the research and bring in papers or articles that addressed the issue. He would but anything from vitamins to orthotics if he felt it would help. If you were emotionally challenged, Paul was a counselor. And I can’t tell you how many diets he sent me. The financial success of our Division is greatly due to Paul and his efforts. The increased size of our current membership was also greatly impacted by Paul. And his enthusiasm and encouragement will be missed tremendously. Certain people can’t be replaced. Paulie is one of them. His mark on the Division and the good memories we have, remain as a testament to him. I’m sure he is heaven, wearing his “Ireland” beret and green jacket, telling St. Peter to talk to the new guys. Yours in Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity,
Tom Murphy
President Major James Henry Dooley Division 1 Ancient Order of Hibernians
Funeral arrangements shared by Paul’s wife Mary Ellen… |
Saturday, February 26th, 11am at Church of the Redeemer in Mechanicsville. |
Dig out those green jackets, sashes…..and green Ireland flat caps if you have them. |