The Dooley Division was active throughout the summer despite taking a break from our monthly business meetings. The state AOH convention was held in late July in Old Town Alexandria. Our very own Brian Kiernan finished up a successful two-year term as State President and handed off the gavel to the new State President Bob Fay. Brian and his degree team also conducted the Major Degree ceremony that weekend. Our division will still be well represented at the state level as Vince Eikmeirer has stepped up to be the State Vice President. Some of the highlights from the weekend include the National Freedom For All Ireland Chairman, Martin Galvin, recognizing all the Virginia divisions who donated over a $1K to FFAI. I’m proud of our division for stepping up this year with a $1,500 check to FFAI. Big thanks to our convention delegates Mike Valacer, Matt Costello, Joe McGowen, and Dan Caffrey. Congrats to Pat Shea. The State Board awarded him the St. Colmcille Life Achievement award. Well deserved Pat!
At the St. Elizabeth’s Jazzfest last month we volunteered to run the beer and wine tent. Jazzfest is the major fundraiser for Fr. Jim’s home parish.
I love when the division gets together to celebrate Mass. On August 30th we gathered at St. Michael’s for the Our Lady of Knock Mass. We had a big group get together for brunch afterwards.
Please give some thought to how you would like to be involved in the division next year. Whether it’s in the role of an officer or serving as a chair. Most positions do not require a large time commitment.
Our next business meetings will be held at St, Michael’s Lake House on September 12th at 7:00.
In Unity, Friendship, and Christian Charity,
Mike Smith