St. Mary’s Irish Night

Don’t miss out on St. Mary’s Irish Night March 19, 2022

Gala 2022 – The Wait Is Over

The long awaited LAOH Mary Ryan Division Gala was held on Saturday March 12, 2022 at St. Michael’s Church and was enjoyed by the many…

President’s Message March 2022

Hibernian Brothers: It’s Irish-American Heritage month. We’re all aware of the events going on around St. Patrick’s Day, but the month is for more than…

President’s Message February 2022

Hibernian Brothers: Our upcoming meeting this Tuesday needs to focus on St. Patrick’s Day. Time is short and we are behind schedule. I would like…

Passing of Paulie McFadden

Hibernian Brothers:     I received the email advising me of the passing of Paul “Paulie” McFadden. I felt Paulie merited a response.    …

Defending Life Day – Virginia Feb. 9

Good morning, I hope that this message finds you well.  I’m reaching out as a coordinator of Defending Life Day – an event never before…

President’s Message January 2022

Hibernian Brothers: Unfortunately, I missed the Installation of Officers as I was diagnosed as having Covid at that time. I want to thank Dan Caffrey…

Oysters for Christmas

Captain Crabbe will be delivering Oysters for Christmas. Place your order now.

2022 Officer Installation

The Dooley Division held it’s Officer Installation for the 2022 Fraternal Year at St. Michael’s on Tuesday December 14, 2021. State Board Vice President and…

Christmas Party 2021

The Dooley Division resumed it’s annual Family Christmas Party on December 5, 2021 after missing last year’s event due to the COVID panic. The event…