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Spam Email Alert

Brother reader reader ,
Be aware of a spam/phishing email being sent to you appearing to be from Larry Keefe. It is a scam. There is a link in the email to DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK. It is a fake link that will run a malicious script on your computer. The content of the email will read like this:

Hello xyz
Are you available to assist? I am quite unavailable now and I've got credence in you to take care of this. I would have called your phone but I presently do not have access to my mobile phone.
Ancient Order of Hibernians Dooley Division needs some gift cards for donation to Veterans at Hospice and Palliative care units for preventive items from Corona Disease (COVID-19) for Easter season. I am liable for reimbursement. Need more info?

In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,

Patrick Shea
Dooley Webmaster

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