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AOH State Convention 2021

Richmond, VA

Brother reader reader ,

Good evening brothers,

24 days to Convention and counting.......

1. The block of hotel rooms reserved for the Convention has been sold out. I have negotiated an additional block of rooms at the Convention rate of $89.00 per night, If any of your Convention attendees have already booked a reservation at more than this price, please let me know and I will get the rate corrected. Please be mindful that the Convention room rate expires on 7/31/21. After that date rooms will revert to the hotel's normal pricing.

2. Please remind all delegates and alternates to bring their traveling (membership) cards indicating they are in good standing.

3. I am pleased to announce that Bishop Knestout will preside at Mass on August 21, 2021, at St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church.
Additionally, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available for a limited time on Friday, August 20, and Saturday, August 21. Please contact me if you would like to avail your selves of this opportunity.

4. As of this date I have only 3 brothers registered for the Major Degree on August 22. The team needs a minimum of 20 brother candidates to perform the Degree. If you have any members who would like to receive the lessons for the first time in 18 months please forward their names or have them forward their names to me. I do not want to cancel this degree for lack of interest. Again, please be sure your candidates bring their membership cards with them to show they are in good standing.

5. Business advertising and sponsorships for the Convention Program booklet continue to lag. Please urge your members to solicit advertising from restaurants they or the Division support, small businesses they patronize, or businesses they own. Information for advertising can be found on the State Board website including order placement, rates, and examples. All Advertising and sponsorships must be received by 08/06/21.

6. There will be 2 hospitality rooms at the Convention. Should your division wish to donate manpower, food, or refreshments to the hospitality rooms, I would be most grateful.

In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,

Brian Kiernan, Co-Convention Chairman
AOH VA State Board Vice President.

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