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Happy to share that incoming Dooley Division Vice President Dan Caffrey will hand deliver a $500 check and card to this year's recipient of the division's donation for vocations to Seminarian Jack Shanahan. This will take place this morning before their 12 pm Seminarian Mass at St. Paul's with Bishop Knestout. These funds are raised from our 50/50 Raffle (and generous donations back to the fund from some winners) throughout the year.

Here is more about Jack...
Diocese of Richmond Vocations | John Paul Shanahan - Diocese of Richmond Vocations

The Dooley Divison officers would also like to remind their brothers of what has been contributed in the Hibernian Year 2022 to the parishes and clergy we support....

$4,750 to area Churches from the raffle:
$1,250 - St. Mary
$1,250 - St. Michael
$1,000 - St. Bridget
$750 - St. Patrick
$500 - St. Benedict

Also, $100 Christmas checks to 8 area Priests and Bishop Knestout ($900 total).

100 Years Ago This Week In The Irish Civil War

23 December The Free State releases 300 Republican prisoners who are “no longer considered a threat to national security”.

24 December Roundup At Midnight Mass-GOOD READ
A priest in Curragheen, County Kerry, (is thought to) alert the local Free State garrison to the presence of the local Anti-Treaty guerrilla column at Midnight Mass. 22 of them are captured when National Army troops raid the church.

25 December TD Joseph MacDonagh (brother of Thomas MacDonagh, one of the 7 leaders of the Easter Rising, executed 3 May 1916) dies in hospital after complications of a burst appendix while on hunger strike.

Pro-Treaty/Free State/National Army/Regulars

Merry Christmas to our Dooley Division Brothers & Families!

In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,

Tim McDonnell

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